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What does it mean to be United Methodist?

Olivet United Methodist Church is one local church within the Washington-East District of Baltimore-Washington Conference (BWC) of the UMC. 

The BWC connects 603 churches from Maryland’s Chesapeake Bay, through the national halls of power in Washington, D.C., amid Baltimore’s vibrant streets and up among the Allegheny Mountains in Western Maryland and the panhandle of West Virginia.

The Conference’s 1,025 clergy and 155,261 lay members, led by Bishop LaTrelle Easterling, live out their faith, certain of the vision that “transformed lives transform lives.”

Each Sunday, more than 51,383 United Methodists gather in this region for worship. Throughout the week, these people participate in ministries that focus on young people, advocacy and action, wellness and missions, leadership and new expressions of faith.  

 As a connectional church, the BWC joins in ministry with 12 million United Methodists in churches around the world.

Our current Bishop is Rev. LaTrelle Easterling, our current District Superintendent is Rev. Dr. Johnsie Cogman, and our pastor is Rev. Alex Thomas. 

We are a part of a denomination founded by John Wesley, an Anglican church reformer, which has blossomed into a global denomination.

We are a people with open hearts, open minds, and open doors. 

UMC Website Conference Website